Here is a list of linked features outlined below:
- Goal
- Campaign Pacing
- Frequency
- Brand Maximum
- Competitive Separation
- Geo-Targeting
- Device Targeting
- Platform Targeting
- 3rd Party Ad Tracking
The "Goal" tool allows you to set a Default CPM that can be inherited by targeted series, as well as Goals based on Impressions or Spend. If you specify an Impression Goal, your campaign will stop running once it reaches the goal. Spend Goal corresponds with the CPM values that you can set at the series-level within your campaign. You can also apply a new CPM to targeted series once the card is saved.
Note: It may take several seconds to apply CPM changes for campaigns targeting a large number of series. Also note that if the Default CPM change is not applied to targeted series and is different in the targeted series-level settings, this will override the Default CPM.
Campaign Pacing
The campaign "Pacing" tool allows you to set the rate at which your campaign delivers. You can set pacing to:
- As Fast as Possible: The campaign will deliver an ad whenever possible.
- Evenly: The campaign will deliver impressions as evenly as possible throughout the duration of the campaign. Daily impressions will increase or decrease depending on the campaign's performance.
Note: Requires a Spend or Impression Goal and a campaign end date - Daily Goal: Allows you to set daily Impression or Spend targets.
The Frequency card provides granular frequency capping controls at the campaign and brand level to improve listening experiences and reduce ad fatigue.
Frequency Per Download settings provide the ability to configure how many times the campaign or a brand can deliver within an individual episode download. For “Campaign Maximum”, though the same ad file will never play twice within a single download, if you upload multiple ad files to a campaign and increase the value, your campaign can deliver up to the specified amount in a single download. If the "Campaign Maximum" is set to 1, and you upload multiple ad files, they will simply rotate with each episode download.
In addition to determining the number of times your campaign appears in a download, you can choose how often your campaign's brand is included. "Brand Maximum" allows you to specify how many times campaigns from the specific brand used in this campaign can play within a single download. This is useful if you have multiple active campaigns featuring the same brand.
Frequency Per Listener allows you to control how many times this campaign can deliver to an individual listener over time. The “Campaign Frequency” setting provides ad ops user the ability to control how many times a campaign can deliver to an IAB defined listener in a user defined day based time frame. Users can set up to five rules with a maximum of 99 impressions and 30 days per rule. A longer duration rule must have impressions greater than or equal to existing shorter rules.
Competitive Separation
ART19's competitive separation tool allows you to respond to brand sensitivity issues with certainty.
Choose whether to separate by Download or Ad Insertion Marker. Select an industry and/or a brand that you do not want this campaign to run alongside.
ART19's Geo-Targeting tool allows you to target your campaign by including / excluding locations such as continent, country, state or province, city (US only), or DMA (US only). Please refer to this article for additional details and list of targetable regions outside of the US. Using this tool enables you to control what geographic area your campaign will be heard in. To select locations for your campaign, click on the ‘+’ button on the top right corner of the Geo-Targeting card in your campaign's page as shown below and choose if you want to include / exclude locations.
If you choose to include locations, enter the geo-location name you are looking for in the search bar and select as many locations as desired.
You can also choose DMA location targets by selecting the ‘DMA US’ option in the drop down menu on the top left corner of the modal. ART19 also offers the ability to exclude locations from targeting criteria by simply selecting the ‘Exclude locations’ option from the drop down menu shown in the first screenshot. The modal looks and functions the same as shown above.
Once all locations are selected for inclusions and exclusions, you can review them in the Geography card as shown below. You can type within the search boxes here to see which locations are selected and can also delete any one or all locations if needed.
Device Targeting
To use device targeting, navigate to the Device Targeting card below the Geography card on the Campaign Detail page. Click the edit pencil to make your selections.
By default, all device types are selected, but you can select/deselect both device type categories (e.g. Smart Speakers) and individual device types (e.g. Amazon Alexa).
Once you finish applying your targets and save the card, you will see them represented as inclusions or exclusions based on the fewest number of selections.
Platform Targeting
To use listening platform targeting, navigate to the Platform Targeting card below the Geography card on the Campaign Detail page. Click the edit pencil to make your selections.
By default, all listening platforms are selected, but you can select/deselect individual platforms.
Once you finish applying your targets and save the card, you will see them represented as inclusions or exclusions based on the fewest number of selections.
3rd Party Ad Tracking
ART19 can support tracking pixels and ping any 3rd party tracking URL. Tracking destination URLs are pinged when impressions are processed either at the campaign or the ad level. This means an external ad server is pinged once for every reported impression for the related ad and will correlate to your selected measurement type.
ART19 offers 3rd Party Tracking at the campaign level in addition to 3rd Party Tracking at the ad level. A tracking URL configured at the campaign level will fire for every ad associated with the campaign. This saves you time if you have multiple pieces of creative requiring the same tracking URL.
To add a destination, press the blue plus button on the 3rd Party Campaign Tracking card, and provide a name for your new tracking destination.
After you click Save, you will be taken to a new page where you can populate the remainder of your tracking destination information. To learn more about 3rd Party Ad Tracking at the campaign and ad level, click here.
Note: Many 3rd Party Tracking tools require that tracking headers be enabled and/or a decryption key be provided. Please check in with your tool about this before running your campaign and request either at It can take about a week to provide a key or enable headers.