ART19 can support measurement pixels and ping any 3rd party measurement URL at both a campaign and ad level. Here's an overview of the feature and supported parameters.
How 3rd party ad measurement works:
- Measurement destination URLs are pinged when impressions are processed.
- This means an external ad server is pinged once for every reported impression for the related ad and will correlate to your selected measurement filtering window.
- Unlike display and live streaming where measurement tags are fired client side, in podcasting, tags are fired server side.
- We are only able to pass along information that the client provides at the time of the file request, at this time no podcast app passes device ID or mobile ad ID so they are not currently supported in this feature
- We pass along the user agent of the end user in the X-Device Useragent header of the measurement ping by default
- The passing of IP address in the X-Forwarded-For and X-Device-IP headers can be enabled for your ad ops profile. This is a requirement for some 3rd party measurement vendors. To enable this please reach out to
The below parameters are available as macros that will be dynamically populated when the 3rd party measurement URL is pinged:
encryptedDeviceIP - The end user’s IP address which has been encrypted with a PBKDF2-derived key and placed within a simple envelope. The decryption key is located in your Ad Ops profile under Settings > Configuration. More info here.
episodeID - The Universally Unique Identifier of the episode the creative was inserted in. You can use this to build an enclosure URL, for example:
seriesID - The Universally Unique Identifier of the series the creative was inserted in.
timestamp - Unix UTC timestamp in seconds of when the ad was served
timestampISO - ISO8601 UTC timestamp of when the ad was served
random - Randomly generated number between 0 and 1,000,000
Supported 3rd Party Measurement Vendors
While we can ping any 3rd party, we have tested the following list of vendors on the ART19 platform. Those 3rd parties that have worked with us to certify the integration are noted as such.
- Adform [CERTIFIED]
- Advertisecast
- Artsai [CERTIFIED]
- Claritas/Barometric [CERTIFIED]
- ComScore
- Cuebiq - [CERTIFIED]
- Double Verify [CERTIFIED]
- Extreme Reach [CERTIFIED]
- Google Ad Manager/DCM
- Kantar [CERTIFIED]
- Magellan AI [CERTIFIED]
- Nielsen DAR
- Podscribe [CERTIFIED]
- Podsights [CERTIFIED]
- Podtrac [CERTIFIED]
- Prodege [CERTIFIED]
- Sizmek
Unsupported 3rd Party Measurement Partners
While we can ping any 3rd party, certain vendors have additional requirements such as device ID, MAID or java script tags that can not be supported in the podcasting ecosystem today.