To add episode numbers to your episodes*, navigate to the Episodes page and select the blue hashtag on the top right to open the Episode Organization tool. All of your episodes are listed in order of release date. Every field except for release date is editable.
Step 1: Edit episode title
Edit episode titles as needed. You can remove numbers or other information that will be redundant.
Step 2: Select all episodes and renumber
Use the check box at the top of the page to select all episodes. If you have bonus episodes or trailers designated in your episode list, select “Full” to only number full episodes.
Click “Renumber” to add numbers to the full episodes and process your changes.
*Currently, episode number tags are only supported on the Apple Podcast App for iOS 11. If you would like to add the episode numbers to your episode titles on all listening platforms, you will need to turn on the “Add Episode to RSS Titles” on your Series Details page. Follow the steps below to add episode numbers to RSS titles.
Step 1: Turn on "Add Episode Numbers to RSS Titles"
Navigate to the Series Details page, find the Episode Organization card, and toggle “Add Episode Numbers To RSS Titles” to “Yes.”
Step 2: Choose your RSS Title Format
You can decide how you would like your episode number and season number to be configured within your RSS title. You may use the templates provided or build your own.