To rename your series, navigate to the Series Details page of your series profile. Click the blue pencil icon to edit the Information Card:
In the Series Title field, you can update your series and profile name. The Series Title field will be represented in the RSS Feed*, players, listening apps, and the ART19 profile. Note that you cannot change the Series Title to one that already exists on ART19. If you would like the public-facing title to be different than the series title, you can update the Public Title field. Please visit our Feeds Help Center article for more information on using Public Titles.
Once you have finished updating the fields in the Information card, you can click Update & Close in the bottom right corner to apply changes. Your profile and feed content will update instantly, although it may take listening apps some time to reflect the changes.
*Changes to the Series Title will not be reflected in the RSS Feed URL. If you would like to update the RSS Feed URL to reflect the updated Series Title, please reach out to