ART19 Ad Ops profiles now support global currencies. This enables the creation of a new Ad Ops profiles in any currency, which is then reflected in the campaign details and statistics pages. Campaigns from multiple Ad Ops profiles in different currencies competing within a download will be compared via real time currency exchange rates.
Ad Ops currency can be selected when setting up a new profile or changed on the Ad Ops settings page. Please note that currency changes can only be made on newly created profiles. Once a campaign has been created the currency is locked.
To change the currency, click on the Ad Ops settings on the bottom left side bar. Then click the blue edit pencil in the Configuration card.
This will change the currency symbol in your campaigns and stat pages, as well as allow ART19's ad picker to consider the currency of CPMs at the time of ad decisioning.
For example, if there are two campaigns competing for the same ad position in an episode download with the same priority and pacing settings but one has a CPM in USD and other in GBP, the CPMs will be compared through their intrinsic value using real time currency exchange rates. For more information on how ads selection works in ART19, please check the link here.
Additionally, your Ops currency will be visible in your stats and details pages wherever applicable.