The Ad Ops Statistics page gives you an overview of activity across your profile. You can view ad impressions and spend by campaign, brand, series, ad position, and listener location to answer questions like which campaigns got the most impressions last month? How much money have our advertisers spent on ads over the past year? Where in the world are people hearing our campaigns?
The page is broken into five tabs that provide more detail: Summary, Time, Advertising, Content, and Audience.
The "Show Options" button at the top of the page allows you to select the date range and toggle between viewing spend or impressions data. These filters apply to the charts and tables on all of the tabs, and selected filters are displayed to the left of the button. By default, the last 30 days of impressions data is shown, but you can change these settings at any time.
Summary Tab
The Summary tab offers a high-level view of your profile’s activity, including, impressions/spend by campaign and series. It also includes a Snapshot card with a few high-level metrics. You can click on the "View Details" button on any of the cards for more information.
Time Tab
The Time tab allows you to break out impressions or spend data across various time intervals, including Day, Week, Month, Quarter, and Year. You can export the data using the export button in the upper right corner of the chart.
It’s important to understand that you can customize the time range and time intervals independently.
In the below example, the time range is the past Quarter, and the time interval is Week. The data in the table reflects the selected interval.
Advertising Tab
The Advertising tab displays impressions or spend by campaign and brand. You can use this tab to find out what brands have spent the most money in the past year, for instance.
In the data tables, the "Percentage" field shows the number of impressions/spend a campaign or brand has accrued divided by the total data set.
Content Tab
The Content tab displays impressions or spend by series and ad position (AIP). You can use this tab to understand which series or AIP is responsible for the most spend.
The stacked bar chart breaks out the top 5 series by spend/impressions in your data set. The remaining series are grouped into the “Other” category. You can click on the series name next to its color key to remove it from the chart.
Audience Tab
The Audience tab provides insight into the listening audience of your campaigns.
API vs. RSS breaks out data by listening environment. RSS impressions are delivered via listening platforms like Apple or Spotify, whereas API impressions are delivered via ART19 players or the public ART19 page for your series.
The International vs. Domestic card splits listening into two categories based on your Profile’s Home Country setting. Learn more about Home Country here.
The Top DMAs card shows the specific locations of your listeners by DMA, State, or Country. Select "View Details" to view the data in a table and export it for offline analysis.