How does ART19 Measure Downloads?
On ART19, stats relating to series and episodes are measured in 'downloads'. A single download is registered when a unique user downloads at least 1 minute of audio from ART19, in a rolling 24-hour window (UTC Time). If the episode is shorter than 1 minute the entire episode needs to be downloaded. We filter out requests where the data implies the source is not an actual person, or is a duplicate request in accordance to IABv2.2 standards.
How does ART19 Measure Impressions?
On ART19, stats relating to advertising and campaigns are measured in 'impressions'. An impression is registered when all data related to an advertisement is successfully delivered (100% of the audio) along with a corresponding measured download. We also filter out requests where the data implies the source is not an actual person, or is a duplicate in accordance to IABv2.2 standards.
How does ART19 Measure Listeners?
ART19 can provide insight into your audience size over a specific time range - this can be referred to as 'listeners', 'uniques' or 'unique listens'. We use unique IP addresses and user agents to determine one 'listener' within a specific time period - this IABv2.2 certified metric is available for both series and campaign statistics.
This data differs from downloads in that it relies on the given timeframe. For example, if the same person, on the same device and IP address, listens once a day for a month this will show as one daily unique but also one weekly unique and one monthly unique. If they listened once a month for a year then it would also show as one yearly unique, even if they have downloaded many times. Uniques can't be added together to get totals in the same way as downloads.
Unique listener reports are available at the network, series, episode, or campaign level. If you are interested in receiving a custom unique listeners report, please reach out to
Other Details:
Measurement window: We use a 24-hour rolling window.
Last Self-audit: We last performed a self-audit on Oct 2 and found our measurement was as expected.
Uniques: We identify uniques per a unique combination of IP address (IPv4 only) and user-agent.
Handling IPv4/IPv6: We don’t currently support IPv6. We do not generally truncate or hash IPv4 addresses. Customers may opt-in to a feature to truncate IPv4 addresses, and when this feature is used, our measurement process for downloads and impressions is still based on the original (not truncated) IPv4 address. Our measurement for Unique Listeners is based on the truncated IP addresses
Inclusion list: We do not support an inclusion list.