ART19’s statistics are updated in near real time, offering our users best-in-class, actionable podcast data. You can download a CSV of any card on this page by clicking the download icon on the bottom left of the desired table.
Recent Episode Downloads:
This card displays the number of downloads your five most recent episodes have received. You can choose to see the number of downloads for that day, week, month, or year; or use the wrench icon to choose a specific date range. You can also choose to see your data in a graph or list view. You can view a complete list of episodes by clicking “View Details.”
Series Downloads All Time:
This card displays an aggregate measurement of all downloads across all episodes in a series broken out by month.
Series Downloads by Day:
This card displays an aggregate measurement of all downloads across all episodes in a series broken out by day. You can choose to see the number of downloads for that day, week, month, or year; or use the wrench icon to choose a specific date range. You can also choose to see your data in a graph or list view.
Top Episodes by Download:
Your top five most downloaded episodes.
Series Downloads Today:
An aggregate measurement of all downloads across all episodes in a series on a certain day.
Downloads vs. API Listening
This chart breaks down the percentage of listeners that are coming in from downloads vs. API listens. A download is any download that occurs from your podcast's RSS feed. API listening is any listen that occurs via the ART19 embedded player. This includes your ART19 Public Page as well as anywhere the player is embedded.
Series Downloads This Week:
An aggregate measurement of all downloads across all episodes in a series over the course of a particular week.
Series Downloads This Month:
An aggregate measurement of all downloads across all episodes in a series over the course of a particular month.
Top Browsers:
A breakdown of the listening platforms your listeners are using to access your content. For more information on top browsers, click here.
Series Downloads by Hour:
An aggregate measurement of all downloads across all episodes in a series displayed per hour.
Top US DMAs:
A list of the designated marketing areas (DMAs) in which your series has the highest number of downloads.
Top US States:
A list of the states in which your series has the highest number of downloads.
International Downloads:
The percentage of episode downloads from domestic vs. international audiences.
Top Countries:
A list of the countries in which your series has the highest number of listeners.