After signing your contract to join Targeted Audience Solutions (TAS) and setting up your publishing profile(s) on ART19, we will enable Brand Management in your network or series. This will allow you to access a list of Brands to approve in the New Brands page within ART19. This will either be activated in your network (if you have multiple series) or series profile (if you have a single series in TAS).
To start your brand approvals, navigate to the Brand Management > New Brands section in the left-side menu of your network or single series.
Use the pencil icon in the Actions column to mark Brands as Approved or Declined. You can make approvals in bulk by selecting the squares next to the Brand name then selecting the pencil icon below the New Brands header at the top of the page. Brands that you approve will be eligible to run ads on your inventory. Please complete all brand approvals in the New Brands page within two weeks of joining TAS.
To manage your Brand Approvals, navigate to the Reviewed brands page where you can view and make updates to your approvals.
>>Next: Setting WarpFeed Defaults
Need access to the network or series? Not seeing Brand Management in the menu? If you have any additional questions on your Brand Approvals please reach out to your CX contact or reach out to with a brief explanation of the situation and we’ll be happy to assist you.