Now that your series profile is set up you’re now ready to publish an episode! To navigate to publishing an episode, select “Episode” from the left side menu under “Content”. Once on the Episode page, click the green “New Episode” button in the top right corner. Enter your episode type, title, and season (if applicable to your series set up), then click “Create”.
Now you’re able to fill out your Episode Details via the Episode Information Card. Note that the areas marked with a red asterisk (*) are required fields. Once all the required fields are input, click “Update & Close” to save your Episode Details.
Then scroll down to the “WarpFeed” card - where you’ll upload your episode audio file (for best results we recommend using uncompressed files, such as a WAV, AIF, FLAC or ALAC, but most audio formats will work).
And lastly, once you’ve uploaded your episode audio - scroll to the Distribution card below the WarpFeed - and either publish your episode immediately or schedule for a future release time (in your current time zone) using “Schedule”.
>>Next: Submit Your Series
For additional information on publishing an episode on ART19 please reference the following Help Center article: Publishing An Episode.
If you have any additional questions please reach out to